En esta sección puede encontrar las publicaciones que han surgido como fruto del trabajo
de este equipo de investigación desde el año 2000.

  1. Barcellos, M.D., Saab, M.S., Pérez-Cueto, A., Perin, M.G., Neves, M.F., Verbeke, W.. (2011). "Pork Consumption in Brazil: Challenges and Opportunities for the Brazilian Pork Product Chain", Journal on Chain and Network Science (Print), 11, 99-104

  2. Bautista, J., Rodríguez, A.I. y Martín, N. (2011). "Influence of affective traits on entrepreneur´s goals and satisfaction", Journal of Small Business Management, 50 (3), 408–428.

  3. Camarero, C., Rodríguez-Pinto, J. y San José, R.. (2011). "Integración de los consumidores en comunidades virtuales: antecedentes y proceso", XXIII Congreso Nacional de Marketing – AEMARK, Castellón

  4. Carbonell, P. y Rodríguez, A.I.. (2011). "The effects of managerial output control and team autonomy on new product development speed: the moderating effect of product newness", International Journal of Product Development, 13, (4), 298-315

  5. Carbonell, P. y Rodríguez, A.I.. (2011). "Customer involvement from an organizational perspective", XXIII Congreso Nacional de Marketing – AEMARK, Castellón

  6. Carbonell, P. y Rodríguez, A.I.. (2011). "The influence of process control on new product performance", 7th International Meeting of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management, Lima

  7. Cuestas, P.J., Fenollar, P. y Munuera, J.L.. (2011). "La sensibilidad al precio de los nuevos productos: el efecto moderador de la predisposición a innovar del consumidor", XXIII Congreso Nacional de Marketing – AEMARK, Castellón

  8. Duréndez, A., García, D. y Madrid, A.. (2011). "Innovative culture, management control systems and performance in small and medium spanish family firms", Innovar, Journal of Administrative and Social Sciences, 41 (40), 137-154

  9. Jiménez-Jiménez, D. y Sanz Valle, R.. (2011). "Innovation, organizational learning and performance", Journal of Business Research, 64 (4), 408-417

  10. Madrid, A., García, D. y Van Auken, H.. (2011). "An analysis of non-financial factors affecting financial distress", Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 23 (3-4), 159-186

  11. Medeiros, J.F., Sampaio, C.H., Perin, M.G.. (2011). "Gêneros: diferenças percebidas e estratégias de influência utilizadas no processo de decisão de compra", Psico (PUCRS. Impresso), 42, 337-345

  12. Molina, F.J., Jiménez, D. y Munuera, J.L.. (2011). "Product competence explotation and exploration strategies: The impact on new product performance through quality and innovativeness", Industrial Marketing Management, 860, 1172-1182

  13. Molina, F.J., Munuera, J.L. y Calantone, R.. (2011). "Product quality and new product performance: The role of network externalities and switching costs", Journal of Product Innovation Management, 28, 915-929

  14. Moreno, M. y Munuera, J.L.. (2011). "The differential effect of development speed and launching speed on new product perfomance", 18th International Product Development Management Conference, Delft, the Netherlands

  15. Moreno, M. y Munuera, J.L.. (2011). "The role of innovation speed in SMEs´ new product development", XXIII Congreso Nacional de Marketing – AEMARK, Castellón

  16. Moreno, M. y Munuera, J.L.. (2011). "Product innovation in SMES: the moderating effect of firm strategies", 40th Conference EMAC, Ljubljana, Eslovenia

  17. Moreno, M. y Munuera, J.L.. (2011). "The role of innovation speed in SMEs´ new product development", XXIII Congreso Nacional de Marketing – AEMARK, Castellón

  18. Moreno, M., Munuera, J.L. y García, D.. (2011). "La innovación en las PYMES españolas: un estudio exploratorio", Información Comercial Española (ICE), 860, 99-114

  19. Munuera, J.L. y Rodríguez, A.I.. (2011). "Presentación: La innovación como factor de competitividad de la empresa española", Información Comercial Española (ICE), 860, 3-8

  20. Munuera, J.L., Moreno, M. y Rodríguez, A. I.. (2011). "Panorama de la inversión en I+D basado en el análisis de las empresas más innovadoras", Información Comercial Española (ICE), 860, 37-56

  21. Naranjo-Valencia, J.C.; Jiménez-Jiménez, D. y Sanz-Valle, R.. (2011). "Innovation or imitation? The role of organizational culture", Management Decisions, 40 (1), 55-72

  22. Pemartín, M., Munuera, J.L. y Rodriguez, A.I.. (2011). "Communication and trust in the context of NPD collaboration", XXIII Congreso Nacional de Marketing – AEMARK, Castellón

  23. Pemartín, M., Rodríguez, A.I. y Munuera, J.L.. (2011). "Effects of collaborative communication and interaction scope on R&D collaboration", Proceedings of the 2011 PDMA Academic Research Forum, Arizona

  24. Pemartín, M., Rodriguez, A.I. y Munuera, J.L.. (2011). "Collaborative Communication and Relationship Trust on New Product Development", 18th International Product Development Management Conference, Delft, the Netherlands

  25. Perin, M.G., Sampaio, C. H. y Simoes, C.. (2011). "O Papel da Orientação Empreendedora e da Informação de Mercado na Geração de Inovação Radical", Produto & Produção (Impresso), 12, 69-80

  26. Peterson, R.A.; Albaum, G.; Merunka, D.; Munuera, J.L. y Smith, S.M.. (2011). "Effects of nationality, gender, and religiosity on business-related etichality", Journal of Business Ethics, 96, 573-587

  27. Rodríguez, A. I., Carbonell, P. y Munuera, J.L.. (2011). "Dual effects of role-conflict on new product performance", Universia Business Review, 29 (Jan-March), 132-148

  28. Rodríguez, A.I. y Carbonell, P.. (2011). "The individual and joint effects of process supervision and process rewards on new product outcomes", 2011 PDMA Academic Research Forum, Phoenix

  29. Rodríguez, J. y Rodríguez, A.I.. (2011). "La elección de un posicionamiento basado en la diferenciación en la fase de lanzamiento de un nuevo producto", Información Comercial Española (ICE), 860, 115-129

  30. Rodríguez, J., Carbonell, P. y Rodríguez, A.I.. (2011). "Speed or Quality? How order of market entry influences the relationship between market orientation and new product performance", International Journal of Research in Marketing, 28 (2), 145-154

  31. Rodríguez, J., Rodríguez, A.I. y Gutiérrez Cillán, J.. (2011). "Influencia de los recursos de marketing en los resultados de la estrategia de lanzamiento de nuevos productos", Revista Española de Investigación de Marketing ESIC, 15 (1), 35-69

  32. Ruiz, S., López, I. y Munuera, J.L.. (2011). "Organic food consumption in Europe: International segmentation based on value system differences", Ecological Economics, 70, 1761-1775

  33. Sampaio, C.H., Simoes, C., Perin, M.G., Almeida, A.L.S.. (2011). "Marketing metrics: Insights from Brazilian managers", Industrial Marketing Management, 40, 8-16

  34. Santos, M.J., Sampaio, C.H. y Perin M.G.. (2011). "Água uma necessidade ou um desejo? Uma análise dos significados de consumo", Análise (PUCRS), 22, 4-16

  35. Sanz-Valle, R.; Naranjo-Valencia, J.C.; Jiménez-Jiménez, D. y Pérez-Caballero, L.. (2011). "Linking organizational learning with technical innovation and organizational culture", Journal of Kowledge Management, 8 (1), 1-10

Departamento de Comercialización
e Investigación de Mercados

Facultad de Economía y Empresa -
Torre D/planta 4/5
Campus de Espinardo
C.P. 30100 (Murcia)